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Note: this page is a beta page, don't rely on the URL and file issues on microsoft/TypeScript-Website please

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Learn about the latest TypeScript developments via our blog!

Definitely Typed

TypeScript definition files Browse the thousands of available for common libraries and frameworks.

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logo of  TSConf:EU


Linz Austria

Upcoming Events

Seattle TypeScript


photoSeattle TypeScript

Our ninth event! Continuing the tradition of every fourth Wednesday of the month - 2/26 this time.

This event will be hosted at the ExtraHop office downtown, near the Convention Center. Food and drink will be provided.

NOTE: Minimal description edition -- has a new bug and they're struggling to parse our traditional spiel. Support is on the case, supposedly.

As usual, we're posting this event with an open call for talks. We've had a lot of great topic suggestions, many of which are listed in our previous pre-bug event descriptions. Message the group if you'd like to claim one, or have any other ideas!

6:00pm - Arrive, eat some food, code/network with fellow TypeScripters
6:30pm - Talks begin
????pm - More coding/networking time
9:00pm - End of meetup, see you next time!

Talks for 2/26 Event
- Intro to JAMstack & TypeScript
- Comparing Automatic Type-Checkers
- Your Talk Here

Seattle, WA 98101 - USA

Wednesday, February 26 at 6:00 PM


Typescript Brazil Meetup


photoTypeScript Brasil

E bora pro nosso segundo meetup do ano! Quem vai receber a gente dessa vez é a Lamba 3!

Vamos trocar conhecimento, conhecer a galera do grupo pessoalmente, conhecer outros devs e entusiastas desse superset maravilhoso, comer e, talvez, tretar de forma saudável :P

👉 Tá afim de palestrar?

🦄 Agenda:

👍🏻 18h30 - 19h00 -> Credenciamento

🎉 19h00 - 19h10 -> Abertura

🗣 19h10 - 19h40 -> Palestra a definir (#MandaTalks!)

🗣 19h40 - 20h20 -> Palestra a definir (#MandaTalks!)

🏁 20h20 - 20h30 -> Encerramento

🍰 20h30 - 21h00 -> Coffee e networking

🦄 Palestrantes:

⚫ A definir

⚫️ A definir


👾 Participe do grupo do Telegram que deu origem a nossa comunidade:

Seguimos o mesmo código de conduta do Vue.js Summit: https://vuejssummit.c...

São Paulo 01228-200 - Brazil

Thursday, February 27 at 6:30 PM


TypeScript NYC


photoTypeScript NYC

Want to build some cool stuff on with TypeScript the language, but not sure how to get started with the compiler API? We're going to run a workshop on how to make TypeScript Playground Plugins.


This is for intermediate and advanced programmers, if you're not sure if that's you, you should be able to have a good sense what this means: "We'll parse the AST and then we'll extract the identifiers out into a map"

The goal will be to make a plugin yourself, so bring a computer with node, a chromium browser and yarn installed.

RSVPs open: Thursday, February 13, 2020 7:00 PM

General schedule:

6:30 PM - Check in
7:00 PM - 🎤Orta Therox gives a 30m overview of the components which make the TypeScript playground

- Monaco
- Monaco TypeScript
- TypeScript Compiler API
- Playground Plugin API
- TypeScript Sandbox
- Using the TSServer "LSP"

7:30 PM - 8:45 PM - Working on your plugins!
8:45 PM: Show & Tell if people want to show their plugins to the group
9:00 PM - Snacks & mingling 🍕

If you're interested in giving a talk or a lightning talk at this meetup or an upcoming one, let us know in the TypeScript Community Discord

Code of conduct: JSConf Code of Conduct

New York, NY 10012 - USA

Thursday, February 27 at 7:00 PM


Paris TypeScript


photoParis Typescript

On se retrouve pour le deuxième meetup de l'année. Un grand merci à notre hébergeur : WeMaintain.

Programme :

• Talk #1 : Deno, où en est-on ?

Auteur : Lilian Saget-Lethias (Paris Deno)

Durée : 20 min

Description :

Voilà presque 2 ans que Deno, technologie server-side équivalente à NodeJS, a été annoncée et présentée. A l'aube de TypeScript 3.8 et du tant attendu top level await, où en est-on de Deno 1.0 ?

• Talk #2 : Designing APIs with type safety in mind

Auteur : Etienne DeLadonchamps

Durée : 30 min

Description :

In this talk I will walk you through various tips and trick to build APIs that are strongly type without compromising ease of use.

• Talk #3 : Utiliser Bazel dans un monorepo typescript

Auteur : Tristan Foureur (WeMaintain)

Durée : 30 nin

Description :

Implémenter Bazel, un système de build distribué et caché, dans un monorepo typescript pour accélérer le développement et le déploiement

N'hésitez pas à proposer votre talk via le repository suivant :

A très bientôt !

Paris 75002 - France

Tuesday, March 3 at 7:00 PM


Hamburg TypeScript


Hamburg TypeScript Meetup

Welcome to the second TypeScript Meetup for 2020! Everyone is welcome to join us, whatever your experience with Typescript.

Talk 1.: Utility Types and Beyond
By Christopher Quadflieg

Talk 2.: Slot open - submit yours!

Our host this month is Uptain ( who are graciously providing the space, drinks and food.

Doors open at 18:30 and the event starts at 19:00.

If you wish to have a talk for the next events, please send us a message on meetup, message Leonard Koch or Lior Oren in the webhh slack or fill out the form:

We're looking forward to seeing you

Hamburg 20359 - Germany

Thursday, March 5 at 7:00 PM


Wroclaw TypeScript


photoWrocław TypeScript

👨‍💼Alex Dodge: State machines with TypeScript

About Alex:

My name is Alex and I'm originally from Canada but living in Wrocław for the next year! I work for a company called REDspace and through them Warner Media. I'm a video developer who builds and maintains a video player and related libraries for the Warner Media video platform. I love all things TypeScript and wouldn't be able to survive my day to day without it. When I'm not tinkering on the open-source I'm usually out exploring new restaurants and pubs.

Alex on Twitter:

Wrocław - Poland

Wednesday, March 25 at 6:30 PM